sweet, salty and colorful organic beef with organic Ramen stir fried noodles
Who needs an introduction with that title – the name says it all.

150g per person beef strips
1 heaped tbsp butter (not marg)
1 tbsp oil (peanut)
3 tbsp teriyaki sauce
2 tbsp Hakubaku Chilli Soy sauce
3 tbsp tomato sauce
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 large red onion, sliced
1 large carrot, sliced
1 red capsicum, sliced
2 x 270g packets Hakubaku Organic Ramen noodles
1. Thinly slice you choice of beef (we use organic eye fillet) 150 – 200grams each or your preference.
2. Put noodles into boiling water and boil for 3 minutes, strain and keep aside.
3. Add butter and oil to wok or pan add beef strips and cook on high for 4 mins.
4. Remove from wok, add crushed garlic onion and carrot to wok or pan cook until its to your liking.
5. Add all the sauces together (teriyaki,hakubaku chilliy soy and tomatoe
sauce) and heat through.
6. Return beef for 1 minute.
7. Remove beef and vegetables then add cooked strained noodles to wok stir for
2 minutes.
You can serve individually and your family can help themselves or present noodles on a plate and top with beef and vegetables.