Chasoba Recipes

Hakubaku's mission is to bring Japanese food culture and cuisine, to the world.

The key ingredients for Japanese cuisine are fresh and seasonal vegetables, lots of seafood, a relatively small amount of red meat, cereals (especially rice) and noodles. Australia has some of the finest fresh ingredients on the planet, rice and, thanks to Hakubaku, the world’s finest authentic Japanese organic noodles. The secrets of Japanese cooking are now available for everyone!

The recipes on this website are quick and easy to make, nutritious and, most importantly YUMMY!

Chasoba with Spicy Sauce

Summer eating at its finest. Spicy yet so refreshing.

Warm Cha Soba 5
Tuna Salad with warm Green Tea Noodles

A lovely warm salad to welcome friends and grace the table

Garlic Mushrooms with Chasoba (Japanese Green Tea Noodles)

Baling mushrooms are a large, fleshy Chinese variety. However, most types of mushroom can be…

Chasoba Noodles with Dipping sauces and Accompaniments
Tuna and Lime Coconut Cream Sauce with Chasoba Noodles

The lime and the coconut remind me of a song … anyone else?

Chasoba noodles with Beef & Tomato

Dainty Chasoba with hearty steak and tomatoes. It works, you know!

Watercress Chasoba Noodle Soup with Pan-fried Fish

Delicate greens from the watercress and the Chasoba – a delight.

Marinated Beef Salad with Chasoba
Chilled Chasoba Noodles with Silken Tofu and Cucumber

Silken tofu – the name itself is a delight

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